Terms & conditions

Please read carefully before using this website

Welcome to the Assistwithassignments website, which is the property of Pure Knowledge Solutions LLP (hereinafter referred to as Assistwithassignments). Assistwithassignments and its affiliates provide you with their services subject to the following conditions. By visiting or by purchasing services or products from Assistwithassignments.co.uk , Assistwithassignments.co.uk, or our other affiliate domains, you accept these conditions. In addition, when you use any future Assistwithassignments service or product, or visit or purchase from any business affiliated with Assistwithassignments, whether or not it is included in the Assistwithassignments website, you will also be subject to the guidelines and conditions applicable to such service or business. Please review the following conditions carefully.

License and website access

Assistwithassignments grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of this website, but not to download (other than page caching) or modify any portion of this website, except with the express written consent of Assistwithassignments. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of this website or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; any derivative use of this website or its contents; any use of data mining, robots, or similar data-gathering and extraction tools; or any collection and use of any product or service listings, descriptions, or prices. This website or any portion of this website may not be duplicated, reproduced, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of Assistwithassignments. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to endorse any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including text, images, page layout, or form) of Assistwithassignments and our affiliates without express written consent. You may not reproduce any image or depiction of this website as it might be rendered by a web browser or otherwise without express written consent from Assistwithassignments. You may not use any meta-tags or any other hidden text utilizing Assistwithassignments's name or trademarks without express written consent. You are granted a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink to Assistwithassignments.co.uk , provided the link does not portray Assistwithassignments, its affiliates, or their products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive manner. You may not use any Assistwithassignments logo or other proprietary trademark or graphic as part of the link without express written consent from Assistwithassignments. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by Assistwithassignments.


This website is owned and operated by Assistwithassignments and is protected by international copyright and trademark laws. You are not permitted to modify, reproduce, republish, copy, upload, post, distribute or transmit in any way any material from this website, including code and software. Unauthorized use of any portion of this website beyond that contained in the previous section may violate trademark, copyright, and other laws.

Authors submitting material to Assistwithassignments for service retain the copyright for their material, and Assistwithassignments requires no other credit or acknowledgment for the work completed apart from the fees described on various services pages on the website. Assistwithassignments does not claim any rights to such material by virtue of supplying its services, and will not use or disclose such material for any reason other than providing our services.

By submitting your material to Assistwithassignments, you represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all the rights to the material that you submit for service; that the material does not contain any content which violates any applicable local, national or international law or regulation; that the material does not infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right, right of privacy, right of publicity or any other right of any entity or person; that use of the material you supply does not violate this policy and will not cause injury to any person or entity; that the material is accurate; and that you will indemnify Assistwithassignments andor its affiliates for all claims resulting from any material you supply. Assistwithassignments has the right but not the obligation to delete any material that violates these conditions from the website, and to monitor and refuse any content or activity. Assistwithassignments shall have no liability to any user of the website for the removal of any such material. Assistwithassignments takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any material submitted by you or any third party.

Assistwithassignments provides advice on changes that you, your publisher, or other third parties may accept, reject, or further modify. Therefore, the content of any finished work is entirely the responsibility of the author or any other persons to whom the author licenses, delegates, or otherwise assigns control over his or her work. Comments provided to the author by Assistwithassignments and its personnel are provided for personal use only. Rights, credit and acknowledgment for any original work created by Assistwithassignments and its staff will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Assistwithassignments's work on any manuscript does not imply any endorsement of the manuscript's content or of the author.

Electronic communications

When you visit the Assistwithassignments website or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You agree to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail, or by posting notices on this website. Unless otherwise indicated, Assistwithassignments does not guarantee the confidentiality of these electronic communications. You also agree that all agreements, disclosures, notices, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.


As a policy, we respect and protect the privacy of the individuals who visit our website. Our Privacy Policy is incorporated herein by reference and therefore, by accepting the terms of use of this website, you expressly consent to the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy. You may view our Privacy Policy at http://www.Assistwithassignments.co.uk privacy policy


Assistwithassignments is committed to providing excellent editing and proofreading services at affordable prices. However, Assistwithassignments is not obligated to refund the purchase price of any service under any circumstance unless explicitly agreed to by Assistwithassignments. Price, terms, and availability are subject to change without notice. All prices quoted are in U.S. dollars (USD) unless otherwise stated. Assistwithassignments and its affiliates reserve the right to request payment prior to delivery of service, to refuse service, or to cancel orders, or to limit quantities at Assistwithassignments's sole discretion.

The purchase prices and invoices may be based on information that you provide to us, including the word count of the documents you are submitting for service. You represent and warrant that such information is accurate, and you agree to pay to Assistwithassignments any additional charges arising from any inaccuracy in such information within seven days of notification thereof. Assistwithassignments is not obligated to verify the accuracy of such information, but will refund to you any overpayment arising from inaccuracy therein.

Assistwithassignments may, at its sole discretion, offer monthly invoicing arrangements to regular business customers and personal customers, and may agree to additional or modified terms for such arrangements. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, payment is due when the invoice is rendered.

Disclaimer of warranties and limitations of liability

Assistwithassignments and its contractors attempt to be as reliable and accurate as possible. However, Assistwithassignments does not warrant that any product or service descriptions, other content of this website, or its services performed for its customers are complete, accurate, reliable, error-free, or current. This website and Assistwithassignments's services are provided by Assistwithassignments on an as is and as available basis and at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Assistwithassignments disclaims all warranties and conditions, expressed or implied, with respect to its services and any information, materials, or content on this website, including any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and non-infringement. Assistwithassignments, in its website, including without limitation graphics, banners, and links pages, may provide pointers and links to websites maintained by third parties. Assistwithassignments does not operate, or control in any respect, any information, products, or services on these third-party websites.

In no event is Assistwithassignments, its employees, independent contractors, subsidiary and parent companies, affiliates, or any third parties mentioned on the website liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, direct, incidental, or consequential damages, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data, breach of confidentiality, or business interruption) resulting from the performance of Assistwithassignments's services, the use or inability to use the Assistwithassignments website or the material contained on the website, whether based on warranty, contract, negligence, tort, strict liability, operation of law, or any other legal theory, whether or not Assistwithassignments is advised of the possibility of such damages.

In no event is Assistwithassignments liable for damages in excess of the amount paid by a customer for the service in question. Assistwithassignments has created this website and determined its prices in reliance on the limitations of liability and disclaimers of warranties and damages set forth herein, and the same form a fundamental basis of the bargain between the parties. They shall apply even if the contract between you and Assistwithassignments is found to have failed in its essential purpose or has been fundamentally breached. You specifically agree that Assistwithassignments is not liable for any offensive, defamatory, or illegal conduct of any user. If you are dissatisfied with any Assistwithassignments material, or with any of Assistwithassignments's terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using Assistwithassignments's services.

While we endeavor to ensure that any files originating at this website are free of known computer viruses, we make no warranty or guarantee that files are virus-free, and we are not able to provide any assurances with respect to e-mail or attachments that may have originated with third parties. Therefore, all recipients are cautioned to check all e-mail, attachments, and other computer files before accessing them, and any and all risk of virus contamination is assumed by the recipient. Assistwithassignments makes no warranty or guarantee that the website will operate in a manner that is secure (unless otherwise indicated), uninterrupted or error-free. Assistwithassignments is not responsible for technical, hardware or software failures of any kind; incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions; or lost or unavailable network connections.


The aforementioned terms and conditions constitute the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersede and cancel all previous written and oral agreements and communications relating to the subject matter hereof. If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.